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Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 9:36 pm
by Fire Dispatcher
My town is thinking about going to a LTR system. I don't think that there is, but is there an option, or does anyone know if Motorola is developing an option for the Astro Saber to do the LTR?


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Fire Dispatcher on 2001-10-21 01:36 ]</font>

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 4:59 am
by Elroy Jetson
What a concept! I've never heard of any plans to do that, and I sort of doubt that they would do it because LTR is not intended for use as a public safety format. Not to say it won't work for public safety. Motorola will do what it can to encourage users to go to a Motorola format system and won't voluntarily put out an LTR option...but I'm sure they'd be glad to do it if you offered them enough money. They are, after all, a profit-oriented company and they haven't made a profit in the past year!
Money talks, and they'd love to hear a nice long speech!


Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 12:38 pm
by phrawg
Ma M makes several ltr format radios they could offer if they wanted to. GTX's
MTX ls's and some radius stuff. Not
"public safety line" equipment by their definition but it is technicaly no problem.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 5:36 am
by cg
Several communities near me are going to UHF Passport Trunking. Kenwood seems to be the primary choice for equipment but Moto and others offer compatible equip. I believe both systems (Newington and Bloomfield CT)will be networked over several sites. The Passport allows roaming from site to site. One company nearby sold his 800 licenses to Nextel and has funded quite a large network over 3 states on UHF. Digital is an option for the future but I am not sure of the protocol.

cg in ct