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Software(?) programming problem p110

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 6:42 pm
by Chato
I just got a P110 (VHF, 8-channel M# P43QLC20D2AA) for free from a friend who had it laying around for a while. I've been tring to read it with the software I have (P110 RSS HVN9852 R08.00.00, 08-FEB-96) but it keeps giving me an error:

Model Definition File
Not Found.
Insert Disk.
Press F2 to Continue.

Is this a software problem or a problem with my set-up. I'm using the type of RIB/Program-cable that slides on the back of the radio like a battery. I connected the red and black leads from this device to a 9-volt DC power supply and the red LED light comes on indicating the device is working.

One other note, the radio does not power up when connected to this RIB device. The radio works fine when a battery is connected. Does the radio have to be powered up to program? Any ideas why this RIB/programming device wont power it up? This is the first time Ive messed around with a P110.



Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:04 pm
by Pimpala03
Aside from your software not having everything you need, we are having the same problem.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:44 pm
by phrawg
put the battery on the back of the programming interface block.
YES, The radio does need to be powered. You may be
powering the block but it is not passing to the radio.
Use a voltmeter test the block for power out.
I believe there is an internal fuse in those things. :-? phrawg

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:53 am
by HLA
it's also possible that somebody has converted that to a gp300?

Problem(s) solved!

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:00 pm
by Chato
If you read back, you'll notice that I had seemingly two problems while attempting to program an 8-channel P110. The first problem was getting the radio to power up while using an after-market, battery-shaped cable and the other problem was getting the software I had to run correctly. I have solved both...

It truns out that the "multi"-RIB/programming cable I was using was made in such a way that the programming 'battery' was not sliding all the way up the back of the radio and the power contacts were not connecting. This was because of two plastic tabs in the slide area at the bottom of the programming battery. I cut off the plastic tabs and the programming 'battery' then slid all the way up to the top, making good connection with the power contacts. At that point the radio would power on while connected.

As for the software... I looked at the files in WINDOWS, hl-lit all of them, clicked on "Properties" then un-checked the 'read-only' satus of said files. I then re-started the computer in DOS, ran the software and it worked fine.

I hope this follow-up information helps someone.
