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Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:49 pm
by BNN123
My question is 2 parts.

if the code plug on a saber blows,

one will i still be able to monitor a freq even if it is off frequency

two with a blown codeplug can the radio still be read???

thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:21 pm
by d119
In theory if the codeplug on ANY radio is "blown", meaning destroyed, the radio should be non-functional.

The reason being is the synthesizer will not receive any information as to what frequencies to tune to, etc.

Now if you've got a corrupted codeplug, there may still be usable information in there enough to do SOMETHING with the radio.

Being its a SABER series portable, it's as simple as creating a new codeplug in RSS, and loading it back into the radio.

Perhaps you could elaborate on exactly what the problem is?

rx is off

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:11 pm
by BNN123
The receive is off freq,

when the radio was being progrhammed the computer shut off.

the radio was getting the new radio freq downloaded into it when the computer crashed, or in this case power shut of on the computer..

when i reread the radio it worked fine after dumping another saber 1 codeplug into it.

the radio recive is off freq.

the best example i can give is if you hit the values number 2 instead of 6 when loading the new ifo you get horrible rx. in this case it is exactly like hit the values 2 prompt instead of 6


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:31 pm
by d119
OK that post made no sense to me, but you hosed the tuning values and that sucks.

Find someone on here to align it for you. I can do it, but you'd have to pay our shop rate, and it isn't cheap.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:49 pm
by Dorpmuller
That's why it's a good idea to hook up both computer and RIB to a UPS.


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:16 pm
by AEC
Once a codeplug is ruined during a programming 'session', the radio will require realignment afterwards.

Channel data will also need to be re-entered as many 'scramble' the information and add '?' to the frequencies, or PL tones for some reason.

The radio can't deduce what a '? is, and will not allow reception or transmission if there are any of these present, or the channel field has incomplete zeroes in the frequency field.

IE..... 442.375

You have to enter 442.37500 or it will not work.

Or if you enter a value the radio can't work with, like...418.1996.

The synthesizer can't resolve the oddball frequencies, so again, it will nto work.

How do you build a codeplug?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:16 am
by themedic66
HOw do you build a codeplug for a saber 2 H44SAJ7139CN?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:52 am
by phrawg
using saber RSS. Just go in and tell it what the model and other
specs are and build it. then load it into the radio. Then go to
the service menu and do a complete alignment on it. (this requires
a service monitor and full alignment type programming cable).
In other words the factory programming cable. NOW, if there is a
chance that you have saved a code plug from this exact radio
previous to the date of the crash, you might want to load that plug
using the choice of the code plug tuning values. That should restore
them provided that the saved plug is for THAT serial number and you
have also not changed any modules in the meantime. Give
that a try. It is about your last hope short of getting it to a shop
or one of us here on the board that has the stuff and skills to
do a complete softpot alignment on it. Phrawg

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:42 am
by mr.syntrx
A lot of the time if you're lucky, when you go to write a new codeplug to the radio, if you select "use radio values" when you write to the radio, the tuning data will be OK and no alignment will be necessary.

I've done this to about a dozen of those whacko Australian ex police Sabers so far, and it's worked every time. Their alignment has been right on.

Saber programming...

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:55 am
by Tom in D.C.
And while you're at it, or as soon as you can, beg, borrow,
or steal (just kidding!) a programming manual. Without this
book you CAN do the job, but it's a lot easier if you read
the book first. A lot of the stuff you need to know and do
when doing basic setups is hidden within submenus and
the book makes it a lot easier to navigate.