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Kenwood Question...if allowed..
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:20 pm
by KuhnElectronics
Mod's, first off let me say that I cannot remember if there is a rule about posting in the forum about Kenwoods and if there is PLEASE remove this post and accept my apologies..
I have a fire department that currently has an engine with a VHF TK-790H. The control head is mounted in an overhead console, and the drawer under a seat.
They just decided that they want to go with a dual head setup and add another head at the pump panel. Does anyone have part numbers for the things I need to make this work? They currently have the basic control head ( i believe, I am a moto guy...sorry) is the one with the speaker in the head and not the buttons.
Also, what do you reccommend for weatherproofing the control head? A plastic box, or something similiar? What have you seen, or what woul you do?
thanks for any and all help!
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:38 pm
by thebigphish
the x90's are "driven rain proof" according to the kenwood paperwork, and they are easily mounted on pump panels on exteriors of trucks. All kenwood will tell you is that it should not be submerged (and all i would recommend is a little 3 sided cover over it (top and sides)) to prevent it from getting everything on it. In terms of adding another deck to it, it's easy to do, in terms of need the cable, another deck (690 or 890), and another head if you want. Only issue is the radio decks need to be taught they have another deck to work with, which requires some jumpers on both of them to be changed.
PM me, i have the kenwood docs in my office.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:02 pm
by n7maq
For single band Dual Control Head
Remote Mount Kit KRK-6DH List $240.00
KCH-10 Basic Control Panel List $140.00
KCT-22M2 Control cable 17 Feet List $80.00 or ,
KCT-22M3 Control cable 25 Feet List $90.00
KMC-27 Mic List $99.00
Prices are list so if you are in a WSCA state have them order it from a Kenwood dealer so they will get the WSCA price.
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:14 am
by EPC_1111
Youll have to make some changes in the programming software, but other than that, youre good to go.
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:50 am
by nmfire10
He is talking about adding another control head, not another deck. Jim's list is what you need. Take the list price and figure about 20% off that at least for an estimated retail price.
parts list
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:09 am
by George
This is amazing to me...
People jumped right in and helped complete with an accurate parts list and pricing within HOURS of a post.
What does this say for Motorola and how hard it is to get ANYTHING done with those people considering how difficult they have made it for the dealer chain and don't even get me started about the paltry 10% they are offering the shops for the MR pricing structure?
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:03 pm
by kb4mdz
Why should it be amazing to you? The old adage 'make it easy to do the right thing, and hard to do the wrong thing' does not seem to have been part of M's attitude for a lonnnnngggg time.
DOH!!! Silly me, this is M. we're talking about. We'll tell you what you need, and how much it will cost, and how much it will cost over that to do what you really wanted to do in the first place if you had been clear about what you wanted (cuz you know we're always right, and the customer never is..)
(rant mode off....... i think).
This is amazing to me...
People jumped right in and helped complete with an accurate parts list and pricing within HOURS of a post.
What does this say for Motorola and how hard it is to get ANYTHING done with those people considering how difficult they have made it for the dealer chain and don't even get me started about the paltry 10% they are offering the shops for the MR pricing structure?
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:33 pm
by tvsjr
Alright guys, this was off-topic to begin with, but was allowed. Jim was nice enough to provide the correct info. Nick, if you have further questions, why don't you PM either Jim or me. We both have access to all the data you'll need.
Before this ventures too far off course - locked.