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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:51 am
by themedic66
thanks for the help all once again, I just installed a mag-mount uhf ant from /\/\ on Thursday, and I must say, I am getting the best reception. Also, on simplex frequencies I am TX'ing over a longer distance than I was before. From what I've been told(years ago), there are amplifiers connected to our convertacoms in our black & whites. I called /\/\ and asked inquired about the amp and they told me that the part # for UHF 450-470 is NLE8912A, would anyone have one of these around for sale, or know a source that has them?


I appreciate the help all, as I did not think that I would really get any responses and it was very inciteful to find out that I can fry the pa module. By the way, what is the pa module? When I bought the SVA, it came with a PL259 VHF antenna. When I tried to plug up the antenna to the back of the SVA, It wouldn't go in all the way. Have anyone else had any similar problems.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello all,

I have a Saber Convertacom for vehicle use, but I get very bad reception when i use the convertacom. Do I need to install a UHF amp and/or antenna to the convertacom itself, even though the saber has both already?


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:06 am
by Bob
I think you'll find that if you connect the SVA to an antenna outside the vehicle, your reception will improve dramatically. Given the mounting location of most portable adapters, it will likely get the antenna location higher. It will also get the antenna outside the steel box that is your vehicle.

SVA antenna problem...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:27 am
by Tom in D.C.
The reason your reception stinks is that, regardless of the
fact that you leave the antenna on the radio, the SVA
disconnects it when you put the radio in the SVA and turn
up the thingie on the right side of the unit. There is a
circuit inside the radio that senses when a connection is
made to the rear port on the radio, so if you put the radio
in the SVA you MUST connect an antenna to the back of
the SVA, otherwise you're working without an antenna.

The standard Sabers do this reconnection electronically,
and the Astro Sabers do it mechanically with a button that
gets pushed in and held when the SVA connector is hooked
to the radio.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:42 am
by phrawg
In otherwords DONT TRANSMIT with it in the SVA without the SVA
antenna port feeding a real antenna or you are very likely to end
up with a saber that now has a fried pa module. Phrawg

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:16 am
by themedic66
I appreciate the help all, as I did not think that I would really get any responses and it was very inciteful to find out that I can fry the pa module. By the way, what is the pa module? When I bought the SVA, it came with a PL259 VHF antenna. When I tried to plug up the antenna to the back of the SVA, It wouldn't go in all the way. Have anyone else had any similar problems.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:17 pm
by Tom in D.C.
The SVA uses a connector called a mini-UHF which is usually
only found on Motorola equipment. A PL259 won't fit and won't
make the connection. Get an adapter. Radio Shack used to
carry them but may no longer do so. The adapters are
available online from several coax cable and connector

The connector on the SVA is supposed to be loose, by the
way. That's the way it's designed.

The "PA module" is the RF amplifier in the Saber itself.
Transmitting with the radio without an antenna connected
may damage the module, meaning to break it/burn it out, etc.
It's really bad news if it happens and would cost a lot to get