With the exception of members approved as Batboard Vendors (see the sticky in the Batboard Vendors forum for more information), most commercial advertising by members is prohibited. The following guidelines apply:
List specific items, quantities, and prices
Postings in the FSWT forum are not limited to private individuals. We do ask that you be specific when listing items, quantities, and prices. For example:
Bad: I have XTS batteries that start at $40.00 visit my website for more details.
Good: I have 10 XTS3000 batteries model number NTNXXXXA, $10 each.
Linking to commercial websites
It is acceptable to place links to your commercial website in your profile and signature. However, banners or advertising items and prices is not allowed. As above, please create a post in FSWT with your specific items, quantities, and prices.
[Update 12/15/2017: Sites which advertise feature upgrades to equipment are not permitted. Links which are brought to the teams attention will be removed from the forum, the users profile, signature, or any other location on the site. Users who register with the site for the purposes of keyword spamming, URL spam, or other topics where the intent is clearly to advertise a company, product, or service will be deleted. If you are a company and want to ensure you are not walking a fine line please reach out to us. -Alex]
If you are interested in becoming an approved Batboard Vendor, please see the sticky in the Batboard Vendors forum for further information. Please feel free to contact an administrator or moderator if you have any questions.
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FAQ: Commercial Advertising Policy
Rules and guidlines for posting information. All members of the forum must take the time to read and become firmiliar with the information posted here. If there are any questions, please take the time to ask anyone on the moderator or admin team.
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