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Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:39 pm
by Jim2121
Since my post on Ad-Adware 2007 by lavasoft has drove everyone crazy.. On there message BBS you will see posts where people are asking for there $$$ back.

Got a good reply from Rick Rock... for those still using Win Home or Pro (sp2) what are you using for a spyware/adware/mailware scanner? Not talking about anti virus. I used to have Spybot till I had some problems with them. Ad-Adware I removed tonight !!!! getting a refund!

How about it, who else is using what out there, and do you like it? thanks! and thanks for the emails... regards Jim Reid

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:27 am
by wavetar
Poll away. As I mentioned in your other post, Pest Pastrol Corporate & Super AntiSpyware is a good combination for me. Ad-Aware hasn't been more than mediocre in a couple of years.


Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:06 am
by Jim2121
Ad Aware just hit bottom.... keep them comming please at least the top five..

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:17 am
by motorola_otaku
Webroot Spy Sweeper here. We run the Enterprise version at work, and while it eats resources while scanning almost nothing gets by it.

Another neat little program is Spyware Blaster. It's not a removal tool, so it does you no good if you're already infected. What it does do is prevent stuff from ever loading or installing in the first place, so go ahead and use it if you're doing a fresh OS install.

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:42 pm
by Jim2121
copy that -- with the scanners I have I had mailware & other crap get stopped before it ever made it to its destination in my pc.. BTW- theres some posts on the Lavasoft BBS where if you paid with PayPal & want a refund--too bad... scroll down till you see "propel" post..... nice avatar! can't beat a field marshall

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:15 pm
by AEC
I've been running Defender Pro these past few months, and it's been super!

I used GriSoft's free anti-virus program, but with limited success..

Same goes for Webroot products.

When I tried Webroot, I got a flurry of drivescanner pop-ups, and I had to add several different headers in the blocker to get rid of them all, such as the common HTTP, then CN. and of course http://WWW....they finally went away, but what a pain!

If I deleted one version of that pop-up, another would take its place, btu with a different it regenerates new ones each and every time it infects your machine.

All spyware creators should rot in prison, same goes for virus writers....bastards all!

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:53 am
by smokeybehr
We've been using both AdAware and Spybot on the computers here at work, and they work FB to keep the majority of the crap off of the machines. We also have Symantec Corporate AV and a web filtering program on the system, so we don't have any trouble with viruses or crap coming in from outside.

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:59 am
by Jim2121
Just want to thank everyone who replied.........

Re: Is it ok if we do a software Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:39 am
by Softix that is what am using at the moment. I would like to asked anyone if they have used that type of program before?.