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Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:12 am
by kj6ko
I have a Maxtrac 10/10ch 900 radio I wish to use as a 902 RPT RX only. It is currently on 927.5 w/1 Trunking ch. Problem is, I can't read it with the maxtrac LS. Gives me "Model Not Supported". It is not a computer issue as I can read other 800 & 900 maxtrac's fine, trunking and conventional, with the same setup. I tried standard MAXTRAC RSS of the same era (1991) and same issue. Is it possible this was programmed with newer vers of RSS and I can't read it as a result? If so, is there a solution other than find newer RSS? I want to avoid changing firmware, blanking, initializing, etc. as it seems it would be a waste for just one RX only channel and since it works fine on 927 as is. If I can read and program it, then I can proceed with the filter install and VCO mod and be done with this beast!

Thanks...Greg KJ6KO

Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:46 pm
by Max-trac
There are several different types of trunking RSS. Which have you tried besides the LS?
What is the info on the eprom sticker?

Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:37 pm
by kj6ko
I have tried MAXTRAC LS amd MAXTRAC trunking RSS both dated 1991, I think it was V5.3 or 3.5, can't remember right now. Also tried MAXTRAC MOBILE RSS for conventional maxtrac dated 1995 and get "Radio Not Supported" instead of "Model Not Supported" possibly due to the fact it is conventional only SW?? If you mean the firmware version on the eprom, it is the original and old for the model which is the 10ch trunking/10ch conv. Not converted to conventional with the newer version of firmware. If you need all these numbers, I can get them.

Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:05 am
by Max-trac
Maxtracs are very good about backwards compatibility on the RSS versions (except for very old versions). If you are getting a ...not supported error then your setup sounds OK.
(ie it is talking to the radio).
I asked about the chip as I have seen SJ (Scholer Johnson) conversions that require their own RSS. I think Smartnet or PrivacyPlus should work with standard trunking RSS.

I can help you with the conversion to conventional, it is not too hard.
You might consider converting an 800 Maxtrac to 902 receive if that is all you need. You don't have to fuss with the VCO.
I have one for sale on ebay currently;

Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:41 am
by kj6ko
I have now tried three different versions of RSS dated 1991, 1993 & 1995 and all give same error. Since I have the conv firmware, I am going ahead and blanking the board and will re-initialize with my LS. It blanked the board fine. Will post re-initialize results here if it goes OK. I would try an 800, but can't find one with the 16 pin accy plug, besides, I'm pretty good with VCO's and I already have the TOKO filters for the 900 radio.


Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:33 pm
by Max-trac
Make sure you have the 900 conventional firmware, it is different than all the other maxtrac conventional firmware.
If you are able to blank it (with lab), you should be able initialize it with Lab or conventional RSS. I don't know think the LS rss will like the conventional chip.

Re: Can't read MAXTRAC 900

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:08 am
by kj6ko
All taken care of. I was trying to keep from changing to conv firmware as it is just going to be for a RPT RX, but the existing firmware was dated 1997 and i could not find any RSS new enough to talk to it. I went ahead and converted it to the conv FW , blanked the board and was able to program it just fine.

Thanks to all!