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mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:44 am
by stvnd53
I have a MTX900 Mod.#UH25HFA51B4.It has no "Power-up Tone".Is there a way to add one? ie:HEX EDIT,in the mdf.file?

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:57 pm
by Jim2121
If your talking about the "Self Test Alert Tone" (same as pow. up alert tone when you turn it on) its in all the jedi & mtsx/mtx software. Change it from Disabled to Enabled.
If you can't find it? or don't see it? someone may have done some work to that codeplug? Some jedi's say "Power Up Alert" Disabled/Enabled Jim

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:20 am
by stvnd53
Thanks for the reply.however what I have is the "OLD"mtx900.Like the P200 6chann.Maybe "BEEP" wasn't invented yet!!!Merry X Mass

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:55 am
by Max-trac
The HT600 series etc. had an powerup alert tone disable, however I just pulled up a MTX900 codeplug and could not find it... maybe they needed the extra memory for the trunking stuff....

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:13 pm
by Jim2121
could be I pressed MTX9000 --- I was at work yesterday waiting for the electric co. to show up at a mountain top that lost power to a public service repeater... Our AC alert did not work so it drained all the backup power.
So Max-trac may have a point. I never played with HEX, ect... if thats all the radio is missing and the radio works fine. I would leave it be, unless you want to hex a good radio for a power-up beep? merry christmas Jim
when I screw-up I blackout cities! LOL

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:25 pm
by stvnd53
Thanks to all.Alls I want for Christmas is my "Beep".I could just say BEEP when I turn it on!

Re: mtx900 Power-up Tone

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:22 pm
by Jim2121
stvnd53 wrote:Thanks to all.Alls I want for Christmas is my "Beep".I could just say BEEP when I turn it on!
well I did go thru the operating manual for the mtx900 and I saw nothing about a power-up-beep? Don't have a radio at home to read.. So enjoy your Christmas also!
and enjoy the new year!