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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:20 am
by kj6ko
I am using a GTX 900 as a repeater TX (at 1W driving a 70W amp) and the "FLAT TX AUDIO" input on pin 5 doesn't seem to be working??? Seems to want a very high level and even then is very distorted and horrible sounding. Tried TWO separate GTX radios and get the same thing. Switched to MIC INPUT on pin 2 and de-emph'd the audio from the MAXTRAC receiver. It seems to be OK after a little shaping, but still wondering why pin 5 won't work? Am using a Link-Com controller, MAXTRAC receiver with FLAT RX AUDIO output from pin 11 and shielded mini-coax for audio lines. Any help?

Thanks and 73 de Greg