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MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:53 pm
by KDN
I am currently working to reassign the MDC's for my county's 911 center.... I was wondering if anyone has a complete list or knows where I can find a complete list of all possible sequences of numbers include hex that are able to be used...

Any help is welcomed...


Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:59 pm
by HLA
most that i deal with go by a badge number.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:39 pm
by Batwings21
From Pro series CPS Help file...

Note: All four digits must be defined.

Minimum = 0001 (Hex)
Maximum = DEEE (Hex)

Hope this helps, and like HLA said, most places use badge number so they can tell by a glance who is talking.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:42 pm
by KDN
Yes, badge number is helpful but when you have a 911 center that dispatches 110 police departments, 213 fire departments and 74 ems agencies, you have no choice but to start at 0001 and go to deee.....

Thanks for the help so far guys....

Does anyone have a list with all of the numbers in an excel spreadsheet.... Excel doesn't like to count in hex...


Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:39 pm
by jackhackett
There will be around 57000 values. You might try using the DEC2HEX function, I'm not sure if it works the same way in excel, but in open office calc I can put a 1 in a cell, let's say A1, then drag down from that cell to make a list of numbers. Then I can put a formula in cell B1, DEC2HEX(A1; 4) and drag it down to the cells below, this gives me the hex equivalents. In excel I believe it uses a comma instead of a semicolon, so it would be DEC2HEX(A1, 4), the 4 is the number of digits you want in the hex numbers. Like I said, I'm not an excel user, so I can't guarantee it will work.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:00 pm
by deznetwork
Im feeling like a nice guy tonight....

So here is an excel sheet with hex 0001 - DEEE

This is the second list I created without F's in the ids (Which I now know are not valid).


Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:03 am
by libuff
47250 is D*E*E*E

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:05 am
by libuff
deznetwork wrote:Im feeling like a nice guy tonight....

So here is an excel sheet with hex 0001 - DEEE


problem with this list, is that it includes F in MANY of the id's... you CANNOT use F in any digit, or E in the first digit.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:07 am
by RKG
KDN wrote:I am currently working to reassign the MDC's for my county's 911 center.... I was wondering if anyone has a complete list or knows where I can find a complete list of all possible sequences of numbers include hex that are able to be used...

Any help is welcomed...

The Motorola MDC rules are as follows:

4-digit hex numbers.

Low end: 0001h (0000h is not permitted).

High end: DEEEh.

May not have E or F as the first digit and may not have F in any digit. (E as the first digit signifies a group command, addressed to "secondary" IDs, and an F in any digit is a wildcard for outbound MDC commands.)

Result is a total of 47,249 possible IDs. (14 x 15 ^ 3 -1 = 47,249.)

There seem to be three approaches to numbering schemes:

A) Adopt some other ID scheme, such as badge numbers, fender numbers, or the like. The trouble with this is that the adopted system is usually decimal values only, which limits you to 9999 possible values (i.e., wastes 80% of possible values). Also, such a system does not accomodate users who don't have "badges" "cruisers" or whatever the other system is based on.

B) A tiered "significant digit" system; e.g.: some FDs I know use:

First Digit is user type (1=Command, 2=engines, 3=ladders, 4=rescues, 5=other sworn, 6=other unsworn);
Second Digit is Co. number;
Third and Fourth Digits are serial. For instance, "2303" would be the third radio assigned to Engine 3 (which would be the officer's portable). This type of system is used when aliasing is not available, and it permits some logical deciphering in the field. The disadvantage is that, at least for the frst two digits, it is also limited to fewer than all possible values.

C) Non-structured; that is, IDs are passed out on a "next available" basis, which works just fine if aliasing is available, maximizes the number of IDs available, and avoids trying to pre-engineer a scheme that will deal with all future contingencies.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:11 am
by libuff
forgot the 0000h.. you are correct :)

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:33 am
by KitN1MCC
most consoles will let you put alliasis for ID

here what the city did was each non police/Fd agency got the same first 2 digits

example 50xx is city yard/hightway
5011 is truck 11H
52xx water dept
and so on

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:15 pm
by deznetwork
Ok the first list was just 0001h - DEEEh. I did not realize you could not have a F in any ID.
So this new list is 0001h - DEEE and none of the IDs have a F.

Question when you say no ID can start with E or F, is 0E00 valid? This list includes those.


Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:01 pm
by libuff
deznetwork wrote:Ok the first list was just 0001h - DEEEh. I did not realize you could not have a F in any ID.
So this new list is 0001h - DEEE and none of the IDs have a F.

Question when you say no ID can start with E or F, is 0E00 valid? This list includes those.


Dylan, the "F" in any position indicates a wildcard.. the E in the first digit indicates a GROUP. but E in pos 2,3,4 is ok..

this new list looks EXCELLENT, and i am planning on utilizing it... excellent job! and it calculates to exactly the right number of rows.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:10 am
by nmfire10
You can have a lot of fun using the MDC call-alert function and the FFFF ID :lol:

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:26 pm
by Rayjk110
Until the user goes to page again, and sees it was your ID... which in that case you should have properly been using the MDC ID pers. B00B or 0001.... :-)

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:44 pm
by FD622
KDN wrote:Yes, badge number is helpful but when you have a 911 center that dispatches 110 police departments, 213 fire departments and 74 ems agencies, you have no choice but to start at 0001 and go to deee.....

Thanks for the help so far guys....

Does anyone have a list with all of the numbers in an excel spreadsheet.... Excel doesn't like to count in hex...

Your center sounds very similar to the one that's in my area as far as the number of agencies it serves. What if you assigned a group of 50 ID's to each agency (fire, EMS, Police), starting at 0001, then determine how base, mobile and portable units are designated across the board? (example: the 1st 5 ID's of an agencies' group would be assigned to base radios , the next 15 would be for mobile units, and the remaining 30 for portable units)

213 Fire department x 50 ID's each=10,650 total
110 Police Departments x 50 ID's each=5,500 total
74 EMS agencies x 50 ID's each=3,700 total

==19,850 ID's altogether

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:37 am
by nmfire10
Rayjk110 wrote:Until the user goes to page again, and sees it was your ID... which in that case you should have properly been using the MDC ID pers. B00B or 0001.... :-)
Of course, or perhaps someone else's ID! :lol:

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:47 pm
by Pj
DEAD works too. Police chief got a chuckle out of that when his portable showed up on the console as IDEAD.

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:34 pm
by nmfire10
Hmm. I seem to recall that mysterious DEAD ID showing up on my console the last time N-E-E-D mounted their assault on my office. :lol:

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:37 pm
by RKG
Good memory. We should do that again. (Listening Alex?)

Re: MDC Listing

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:08 pm
by nmfire10
I see DEAD on the screen and I'm thinking "WTF is this". I hear an alarm beeping, I look up at the CCTV monitors and see the N-E-E-D forward command unit and urban assault battle group rounding the building.