Centracom TDM Addressing & Other Important Switch Settin

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Centracom TDM Addressing & Other Important Switch Settin

Post by d119 »

Lists TDM addresses for setting up Centracom CEB cards, and an explaination of MuxBus and BusyBus as well as other important switch setting information.


The following are the switch charts and how to set them for various TDM addresses. Before listing them, I'll explain MuxBus and BusyBus.

Each card (except certain cards like an AEI, etc) have a set of jumpers on them labelled as follows:

M1, M2, M3 and B1, B2, B3. These are the MuxBus (M) and BusyBus (B) jumpers.

Each CEB can handle a maximum of 96 TDM addresses. These 96 TDM addresses are handled by three buses of MUX and BUSY.

The first MuxBus/BusyBus BUS handles TDM addresses 1-32.
The second handles 33-64.
The third handles 65-96.

For the first 32 cards in a CEB, set the M and B jumpers to 1.
For the second 32 cards in a CEB, set the M and B jumpers to 2.
For the third 32 cards in a CEB, set the M and B jumpers to 3.

If I catch any of you with over 32 cards in your home CEB, I'm going to call you a dork.

Over 96 cards requires an Ambassador interface, and I'm not about to try to get into that.

Remember: only 32 TDM addresses can be used per MuxBus/BusyBus setting. Over 32 TDM addresses, make sure you pay attention to where you are with them in relation to number of TDM addresses and MuxBus/BusyBus settings.

Most of you hobbyist types don't need to concern yourselves with MuxBus/BusyBus, just make sure everything is set to 1.

And now: The TDM address chart for Centracom II/II+/Gold Elite.

0 = CLOSED, 1 = OPEN. Settings are listed as Switch 1 -> Switch 8 Left to Right.

Format is:


00: 00000000
01: 10000000
02: 01000000
03: 11000000
04: 00100000
05: 10100000
06: 01100000
07: 11100000
08: 00010000
09: 10010000
0A: 01010000
0B: 11010000
0C: 00110000
0D: 10110000
0E: 01110000
0F: 11110000
10: 00001000
11: 10001000
12: 01001000
13: 11001000
14: 00101000
15: 10101000
16: 01101000
17: 11101000
18: 00011000
19: 10011000
1A: 01011000
1B: 11011000
1C: 00111000
1D: 10111000
1E: 01111000
1F: 11111000
20: 00000100
21: 10000100
22: 01000100
23: 11000100
24: 00100100
25: 10100100
26: 01100100
27: 11100100
28: 00010100
29: 10010100
2A: 01010100
2B: 11010100
2C: 00110100
2D: 10110100
2E: 01110100
2F: 11110100
30: 00001100
31: 10001100
32: 01001100
33: 11001100
34: 00101100
35: 10101100
36: 01101100
37: 11101100
38: 00011100
39: 10011100
3A: 01011100
3B: 11011100
3C: 00111100
3D: 10111100
3E: 01111100
3F: 11111100
40: 00000010
41: 10000010
42: 01000010
43: 11000010
44: 00100010
45: 10100010
46: 01100010
47: 11100010
48: 00010010
49: 10010010
4A: 01010010
4B: 11010010
4C: 00110010
4D: 10110010
4E: 01110010
4F: 11110010
50: 00001010
51: 10001010
52: 01001010
53: 11001010
54: 00101010
55: 10101010
56: 01101010
57: 11101010
58: 00011010
59: 10011010
5A: 01011010
5B: 11011010
5C: 00111010
5D: 10111010
5E: 01111010
5F: 11111010

System Timer DIP switch settings for BLN6650 Timers (THIS DOES NOT APPLY NOR DOES IT WORK ON BLN7011 Gold Elite TIMERS!!!):

Same thing as with TDM addressing... Left-to-Right, switch 1 through switch 8:

Board Version 84-82456N02-A:

Timer A: 01111111
Timer B: 10111111
1 Timer: 01001111

Board Version 84-82456N01-O:
Timer A: 01011111
Timer B: 10111111
1 Timer: 01011111

1 Timer refers to those operating a CEB with only 1 system timer card and not desiring the system timer redundancy feature (requires 2 system timer cards. [b:67daa5dfd9](DONT SET A LIFE/SAFETY AGENCY UP WITH ONLY 1 SYSTEM TIMER!)[/b:67daa5dfd9]

Channel Control Board DIP Switch Settings (Applies to Buttons & LED's Rackmount consoles (big ones) only:

Panel Address - Switch Settings Switch1 through Switch 10 Left to Right:

01: 1000000000
02: 0100000000
03: 0010000000
04: 0001000000
05: 0000100000
06: 0000010000
07: 0000000100
08: 0000000010
09: 0000000001
10: 0100000001
11: 0010000001
12: 0001000001

Enjoy! Hope this helps someone somewhere.
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