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HP Pavilion 6357 Serial Port

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:35 pm
by M1225
Ok so here is my problem I have a HP Pavilion 6357 that I setup with Windows 98 to be my programing computer. Well it seems the serial port is not working. I tried programing a couple of radios with no avail. Thought it might be the cable but after trying it on a another computer I figured out that was not the issue. I switched the hard drive out and loaded XP into another one I had then ran the 1225 series RSS and was able to read one of my M1225s. I also have no sound with Windows 98 so some drivers must be missing. I'm not sure how to figure out witch ones are missing and where to get them if thats even the problem. Cant say I care about the sound but the serial port not working is a problem. I tried HPs site but they did not seem to have anything useful. Any help would be great! Thanks Justin

Re: HP Pavilion 6357 Serial Port

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:34 am
by DJP126
MOST of the RSS programs require PURE DOS. Get a copy of DOS 6.2 and boot into it directly and stay away from Windows of any age.