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identify Moto "ROGO2" part

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:43 pm
by jrm5265
I have some new of these and seems like I remember that being a sought after piece, I guess its a transistor

help me out you guys........its says ROGO2 on it


(anybody need one?)

Re: identify Moto "ROGO2" part

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:35 am
The Motorola ROG Program was an attempt in 1971 to simplify inventory of replacement transistors by creating a single new replacement number for a dozen or so discrete numbers. Sort of like what NTE and ECG do. Motorola billed the program as "Replace 90 Transistors with 6."

ROG02 is actually 48R 83750G02, a PNP Germanium TO-3 cased transistor most often used as a 2N176 or M9083 replacement. I seem to recall those were used as either power supply or audio output transistors in Motracs. Not really rare or sought after.

Re: identify Moto "ROGO2" part

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:33 am
by jrm5265
ok Thanks