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Radio Request Form

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:12 pm
by KDN
I am in charge of purchasing and ordering all of the Two Way radio equipment for my agency, does anyone have a good form they are willing to share that you pass out to departments when requesting radios?


Re: Radio Request Form

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:30 pm
by Tom in D.C.
The number of base radios, repeaters, mobiles, portables and, yes, even pagers in your system or systems are usually defined in your FCC license. That being the case, it would seem that parceling out who gets what would be done, at least on paper, even before the radios are ordered.

Re: Radio Request Form

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:36 pm
by KDN
I understand that.

Currently in our City each bureau, Fire, Police, EMS all have individual purchasing agents who facitilate the purchasing of their radios, we are working towards a Radio Advisory committe to allow all radio purchases to come through one office. With this said, I need to create a form that the SGT of District 3 Police can fill out and say I need 10 portables, 10 chargers, 10 Mics, 10 Ear Pieces for my narcotics officers, patrol officers, blah blah blah to submit to the committe to allow the purchase to be authorized.


Re: Radio Request Form

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:14 am
by alex
Probably the best way to handle this is:

1) Ask each department about the different "groups" of users. You probably wouldn't give a regular patrol officer a radio that a narcotics officer would use, or using fire as an example a battalion chief may get a model III radio, while a firefighter gets a model I or II.

2) Using those groups come up with a standard equipment list that they require

3) Come up with a form for each agency (fire/ems/pd) that says I need 10 radios for narcotics.

Based on this you can come up with a simple form for each department, or one form that asks how many radios you need for a specific job function. This allows you to then give them everything they need at their request as well as put an end to some of the random spending (Unless prearranged) that some of the independent agencies may/may not be doing.

That's probably what I would suggest doing. Take the decision making of the details like they need this flash option or that option out of their hands, and make it simple for them to all understand.
