mts2000 mdc-1200.

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Mike 701
Posts: 148
Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2001 4:00 pm

mts2000 mdc-1200.

Post by Mike 701 »

I am trading for an MTS2000 uhf from a friend. He knows for a fact that it did do mdc1200 at one time. The radio has water damage about a year ago, and Motorola replaced the RF board (I believe, ill double check on which board it was.) Certainly I would've expected the replacement to have the latest flash?! When I read it with the RSS, (06.05.00) it reads the radio fine, however, there are no MDC options under each channel. Under display options, you can actually select Caller ID to be enabled, with or without aliases. I am unable to see if it will actually do it though. But under each personality, it doesn't give any options for any type of signaling, any ideas?

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Post by Chris »

The RF board does not contain the circuitry for MDC, ASFIC on the controller board does. Secondly, earleir model MTS2000's with 256K controllers did not do MDC from the factory unless you paid for the flash option. If you do not have the option in the RSS, the radio is not capable of MDC. I find it hard to believe that a radio with a water damaged RF board would still retain its original controller if it went to Motorola for repairs. Furthermore, the depot would have flashed the radio with whatever was in it and upgraded the firmware accordingly. So even if you sent them a MTS with 2.xx firmware, you should have gotten back a radio with 6.xx. These days, if you order an MTS with H35 you get a radio with a very basic flashcode that does MDC and caller id.
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Post by RKG »

Before you can call MDC for a given channel on the conventional personality screen, you have to define an "MDC System" on the MDC screen; have you done that?
Mike 701
Posts: 148
Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2001 4:00 pm

Post by Mike 701 »

RKG, where would this option be under?

Posts: 2629
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 4:00 pm

Post by RKG »

I believe it if F4-F6-F4-F3, but in any event MDC Options under conventional radiowide settings.
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