Motorola Astro Spectra W9 Software

This forum is for discussions regarding all aspects of Motorola radio programming, including hardware, computers, installation and use of RSS/CPS, firmware upgrades, and troubleshooting. There are subforums for discussions of codeplugs, and also for software/firmware release notes and issues.

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Motorola Astro Spectra W9 Software

Post by tuckerm »

Does the Motorola Astro Spectra W9 use the same CPS as the Motorola XTS3000/Saber products or what am I looking for.
Schrodinger's Radio: It is simultaneously too loud and too quiet, but you will never know which until someone transmits.
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What radios do you own?: XTL2.5K,XTS2.5k, P25 stuff....

Re: Motorola Astro Spectra W9 Software

Post by Johnno »

The CPS is RVN4184P.
It contains RVN4182P - ASTRO Saber & XTS 3000
and RVN4183P - ASTRO Spectra

The package I purchased a few years back contained the CPS and Tuner programs.

So, I guess the answer to your question if they use the same CPS - NO. There is a separate part no. for each.

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