Price estimate MTX838

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Price estimate MTX838

Post by Johnno »


I know this may be a bit ambiguous and/or objective, but I'm wondering how much a MTX838 is worth (USD). It's second hand (of course) and 800Mhz, maybe 7/10 condition.
I'm the buyer and haven't had a lot to do with MTS/MTX range.

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Re: Price estimate MTX838

Post by N4KVE »

Well, in North America, they're not worth very much because of rebanding. They are not a Flashport radio, so they won't work on a trunking system once it has been rebanded, & can't be upgraded like a MTS 2000 can. But they will still work just fine on a conventional system. Of course, if you don't have rebanding over there, then the radio will still work just fine, but I don't know the price structure over there. Maybe $100. Good luck. GARY N4KVE
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