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Bluish Haze on XTS2500 & 5000 LCD Displays

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:08 am
I have noticed on some of our LCD displays on both the XTS2500 and the XTS5000 radios there is this sort of “bluish haze,” almost like what you sometimes see on an LCD display if you look at it with polarized sunglasses. The numbers of radios that have a bad case of the blues fortunately seem to occur on a very small subset of our radios. To one extent or another, I'd say almost all of our radios have a little bit of this effect. It is especially noticeable at the time of the day when the sunlight is low in the sky, such as around sunset. The displays seem to be devoid of this effect when they are in broad daylight, in the direct bright sun. In this case, the effect completely goes away.

I've been using these radios for years, but I guess I just now wondered about it, especially as we are now in the process of converting to the APX7000, and its big LCD display has no such haze effect whatsoever. Perhaps the old technology associated with the XTS-series radios is the culprit?

Is this phenomenon just the "nature of the beast," and is it something that typically gets worse over time? Does it get worse if the radio is left in the direct, bright, and hot sunlight too long, for too many times?

Any feedback would definitely be much appreciated!

Re: Bluish Haze on XTS2500 & 5000 LCD Displays

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:52 pm
My XTS2500 Model III has the same bluish tint in certain light. I marked it up to it being something in the plastic LCD window...