The ML850 is the first of Motorola's three rugged laptops. The laptop is based on GETAC W120 laptop. Weight is approx 6.2lbs due to the Magnesium alloy case. This laptop was discontinued in favor of the ML900.
Intel Centrino 1.1GHz
256MB RAM standard (One 200-pin PC2100 DDR SODIMM socket, 512MB MAX)
64MB Video RAM, AGP
20 or 40GB shock mounted/heated hard drive
12.1” XGA LCD Panel or transflective SVGA LCD
Sealed keyboard
1 PCMCIA Type II CardBus
1 DB9 serial port
2 USB 2.0 ports
1 VGA port
Docking port
56Kbps modem
10/100 LAN
Audio in/out
PS/2 port
WiFI (Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 LAN mini-PCI)
6000 mAh Li-Ion Battery
Private DataTAC modem
GPRS modem
CDMA modem
iDEN modem
Mobile office display solution (MODS: for dual display in-vehicle use)
USB FDD (External)
DVD/CD-ROM drive (External)
Backlit membrane keyboard
Sunlight readable high contrast display ML 850 office dock w/drives
Battery charger
Car adapter (12-32 VDC)
Primary battery pack
DDN7497A ML850 DESK DOCK (W/ DRIVES) ~$695
DDN7500B ML850 BATTERY ~$220
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ML-850 Product Information
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As we are primarily a radio discussion group, your mileage may vary on the responses.
As we are primarily a radio discussion group, your mileage may vary on the responses.
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ML-850 Product Information
Lowband radio. The original and non-complicated wide area interoperable communications system

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