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Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:26 pm
by Tim
Hi Folks,

Been trying to get the Quantar to do mixed mode, and it doesn't seem to work.
Analog goes right through, but when I select digital on the XTS2500, I can hear
the buzz in the Quantar's speaker, the Power goes to about 20w, then flickers
on & off. The RX light does the same thing. Soooo, it evidently isn't recognizing
the digital data.

Using talkaround to another XTS in digital mode works fine. NAC codes all set properly.

I've conversed with another Quantar user who is doing this, and I have it setup identically
to what he has. (sent me a synopsis of the settings).

The Station Controller's software revision level is B013.04.004, and the Exciter is R020.09.005.

Are these revisions adequate to do P25?

BTW, when in the service & programming menus, doing the F8 check confirms that it is
programmed the way it says. (Whether that means it'll work is another guess)!



Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:20 pm
by The Pager Geek
Your FW is ancient.

You have release R3.00. Vselp was JUST introduced in that release. It has no idea what IMBE is.

The minimum a Quantar needs for IMBE/P25 is Release R09.02.01 which equates to FW revision: SC_020.09.031.

Your exciter must have been a spare or replaced at some point to have 20.09.005, that was used during release R09.07.00 through R10.06.00

We are still living in R14.xx currently. This equates to FW revision

The difficulty of upgrading your FW is dependent on what SCM you are using. Based on the early release, the outlook isn't so good.

Hope that helps...

Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:30 pm
by W6WAW
You may have better luck replacing the SCM than upgrading it. Not only is an upgrade very expensive, but reportedly it may be hard to obtain through Motorola if you have a second-hand or parts-built Quantar

Check ebay for used SCM cards. From time to time, cards with version 14 firmware have appeared. There are some SCM cards listed now, not necessarily with version 14 and not necessarily best version of the SCM. You might look at the ones for sale by bro-comm. A few months ago, I asked about the firmware and was told that it was Note that P25 was reportedly improved in and the card listed is a TTN4094C. Later versions of SCM are more desirable. However, it might be a step up from what you are using.

Be sure to ask any seller of a SCM what firmware version it has.

Good luck.


Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:16 am
by Tim
tpg/fred, thanks a lot for the information.

I did get the box a long time ago (was sitting under the workbench
for many years), and considering where it came from, I am pretty
sure it was a 'make-from'.

It was just a whim to make it mixed mode... I'm the only one here
that has any P25 radios, albeit for another service.

I'll just keep it analog & be happy! :-)

Thanks again,


Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:44 pm
by wa6ylb
Tim wrote:Hi Folks,

Been trying to get the Quantar to do mixed mode, and it doesn't seem to work.
Analog goes right through, but when I select digital on the XTS2500, I can hear
the buzz in the Quantar's speaker, the Power goes to about 20w, then flickers
on & off. The RX light does the same thing. Soooo, it evidently isn't recognizing
the digital data.

Using talkaround to another XTS in digital mode works fine. NAC codes all set properly.

I've conversed with another Quantar user who is doing this, and I have it setup identically
to what he has. (sent me a synopsis of the settings).

The Station Controller's software revision level is B013.04.004, and the Exciter is R020.09.005.

Are these revisions adequate to do P25?

BTW, when in the service & programming menus, doing the F8 check confirms that it is
programmed the way it says. (Whether that means it'll work is another guess)!


I agree with the others mentioning the firmware versions. When the Quantar is working with P25 CAI, you won't hear any received digital audio in the speaker (besides a buzz of sorts) from the speaker. If you want to hear the actual digital audio at the repeater site, from a CAI P25 transmission, you'll need an DIU with CAI firmware in it, attached to the repeater in order to hear inbound P25 transmissions. Clear analog audio is heard from the speaker in the Quantar, but no P25.
If you obtain a DIU, make sure its firmware is newer. Search for DIU on here, as I left info pertaining to software versions (VSELP vs IMBE). Last time I looked into DIU firmware, it was $600.

Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:45 pm
by MikeOxlong
Check Brocomm for SCM's.

I believe they're around $100 to get an IMBE capable one.

Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:53 pm
by Tim
Thanks for the info Mike, I see that they have this card listed, but
didn't know what the 30 or 33 meant.

Repeater Control Card TTN4094C 30 & 33.


Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:24 pm
by The Pager Geek
30 and 33 are just revisions. 33 is newer than the 30.

Also, based on the looks, you may want to buy a new Atmel AT28HC64B-90 PLCC32 chip for the codeplug. It looks like they will be the older Xicor proms that are not trustworthy AT ALL.

Motorola price is 82.95 list.
Digi-key shows some coming in soon, (less than $10 each)
Mouser shows out of stock.

Food for thought...


Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:25 am
by blackwater
I'm looking at a Quantar for a local ham repeater. I've been offered one for a good price it seems (from ebay listing anyway) and I need to know what to look for to make sure it does Analog/Astro CAI. He states it does work with P25 and has tested, and its not that I don't trust him (i've bought a few things from him already) but I would feel better getting firmware versions, etc. He did say it has v.20.x.x.x firmware in it. So anything else I need to be asking about this repeater?

Re: Quantar Revision level for Analog/Astro CAI???

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by Tim
As I am thinking of purchasing the board from Bro-comm, I was Wondering if the firmware is adequate to do a P25 for 'ham use. I believe the FW is 20.10.56.

Also, based upon the apparent age of the station, is there a possibility that the firmware in the receiver or transmitter might also be a problem once the controller is changed.

