DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

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DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by Hardwire001 »

Ok I am just wondering if anyone has played around with the firmware options that you can get for the Linksys (and other brands of Wifi Routers) some of the feautures seem like they would be a handy for setting up a mobile RoIP dispatch system. BUT I have concerns about the VoIP Quality of Service that I might get. I have been trying to read up on the PROs-n-CON of each but not being that much of a software hack most of it is over my head for what is better.

Ok in radio terms I have two RoIP Gateways and four radios attached to them in one box, with a laptop for the dispatch consel. For the Network I am using an old WiFi router with the WiFi (802.11b right now) but looking to upgrade to a G or N, and some of the options that I can get with the aftermarket software like "bridging or WiFi Repeater" makes me want those options.

Just looking for some thoughts, if anyone has used alternate Operating Systems in WiFi routers.
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by gopher »

i dont know if this helps but ill throw it out there... i was using DDWRT in a early wap54g and a late model wrt54g. The wap worked pretty much flawlessly, the wrt had lots of problems... may been a hardware thing. I swapped both out with the ubiquiti bullet2hp and high gain antennas. the OS handles VOIP just fine, automatically. any they put out 1 watt RF, can operate outside normal channels. plus only cost 67$. I believe that ddwrt does do more stuff, but if you need ddwrt i believe it can be loaded on the bullet also.
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by 123 »

gopher wrote:i dont know if this helps but ill throw it out there... i was using DDWRT in a early wap54g and a late model wrt54g. The wap worked pretty much flawlessly, the wrt had lots of problems... may been a hardware thing. I swapped both out with the ubiquiti bullet2hp and high gain antennas. the OS handles VOIP just fine, automatically. any they put out 1 watt RF, can operate outside normal channels. plus only cost 67$. I believe that ddwrt does do more stuff, but if you need ddwrt i believe it can be loaded on the bullet also.
Are you saying you have applied this with radios? Or are you speaking in general about other applications?
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by gopher »

i have used them as a wifi bridge to link 2 networks in urban area about 1/2 mile away NLOS. While i have not setup RoIP, theres no reason it shouldnt work
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by 123 »

Copy that, I was just verifying the type of application you was doing this with. Yea I have done the same thing as you, and in congested areas you are almost forced to use channels 12-14 to get the distance without interference. I am surprised the US market hasn't expanded the channel spectrum. 11 channels isn't enough anymore.
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by Wowbagger »

Go to 5GHz. Currently, there is a LOT of free space there. 802.11a/n FTW.
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by gopher »

thats the thibg with the bullets you can use rf spectrun outside the normal 802.11 channels. i think you can select from 200+ different frequencies. . . assuming you dont live in the US ;-)
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by SlimBob »

Well, if you want to transvert to 3.3-3.5 GHz, there's a LOT of space out there ... IF you have two different antenna ports and can force the radio to transmit out of only one of them.
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Re: DD-WRT or Tomato or OpenWrt for ROIP system

Post by mr.syntrx »

The radio will normally transmit using only one antenna, the other is diversity receive only.
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