Need new and experienced electronics techs

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Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by FatBoy »

I have been a member here for a while, a big moto geek for 18 years or so. I now work for a large oilfield services company. I am a new electronics tech with a focus on radio/rf/computer communications. This company really needs a bunch more (20-30) electronic techs in the next few months. It seems the whole industry is that way. Any idea on where to go to post this info (I was unsure if just throwing up links or contact info was appropriate). Also, I personally do not want this place to become a job board, but times are tough in many places now. Thank you, FatBoy.
......I understand what the package says sir, but you cannot talk 28 miles with 3 AA batteries.......
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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by Bill_G »

There are the trade mags like Critical Communications and MRT.

Florida would be nice, but we like it up here. Some time off would be nice too. My last pay period (bi-monthly) of August had 105 regular hours, 1 hour sick time (dr appt), and 47 hours OT.
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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by Jim202 »

FatBoy wrote:Batboard,
I have been a member here for a while, a big moto geek for 18 years or so. I now work for a large oilfield services company. I am a new electronics tech with a focus on radio/rf/computer communications. This company really needs a bunch more (20-30) electronic techs in the next few months. It seems the whole industry is that way. Any idea on where to go to post this info (I was unsure if just throwing up links or contact info was appropriate). Also, I personally do not want this place to become a job board, but times are tough in many places now. Thank you, FatBoy.

You can try posting it here. There are others that post help wanted now and then. The moderators will let you know if you get out of line.

The big thing in any job posting is where is it, who is it and some ball park on wages. It is a time waster to see adds in other places that sort of put up a blind add, no region where the work will be, no indication of wages and no indication of who the employer is. Unless your real down and desperate, these blind adds are not worth the time it takes to work your way through the number of pages they generally put you through.

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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by FatBoy »

I moved from FL to Billlings,MT for the job. Job pays low-to-mid 20's an hour to start depending on experience. It is heavy industrial, you get dirty and work hard, but I work between 70-110 hours a week (10 days on, 4 days off). They are a large Canadian based hydraulic fracturing company, but do other oilfield services as well. 95% of the stuff I do everyday I had never seen before my start day (4-20ma circuits, magnet picups, tons of different stuff). I received relocation dollars and they flew me up for an interview. We have sites in ND, WY, MT, TX and soon to be several other eastern US states. There are several other companies that do the same stuff in the same areas. Our competitors are Halliburton, Weatherford, Baker-Hughes, Cal-Frac, plus a ton of new companies. It seemsmuch easier to get hired if you know someone (I applied several tiems to get hired, because I did not have degree or heavy industiral experience). How did I do? Fatboy
......I understand what the package says sir, but you cannot talk 28 miles with 3 AA batteries.......
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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by Bill_G »

Hey! And you're in Big Sky country too. Nothing gets prettier. Lots of windshield time. If you like the pace, you will die rich. How many old timers working with you? There's always one or two company men, and the rest are all youngsters who have to learn it all as they go. Baptism by fire. From what I can tell, you're smart and capable. You can rub two brain cells together and get heat. That's good. You're going to need it in winter. Believe me. Lip balm, coffee, and long underwear will be your life. Stay away from the booze. Sock away the money while you can, and in a couple years when you can't stand it, you'll have something to fall back on in a regular job with regular hours. I can only do +60hr weeks for a couple months a year, and then I have to slow down. This is wizards work. You will learn your craft in this job. I think you made a good choice. I wish you the best of luck.
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What radios do you own?: Astro Spectra Spectra Maratrac

Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by kb2crk »

Sounds like a good solid job. If I were younger (mid 40's now) I would have to take a close look. I work as an industrial mechanic and average 50 to 60 hours a week now in the same pay range so even though I might be interested the 10 day on 4 day off sched just would not be for me. I like to spend a little time with my family.... Sounds like you might have a great oppertunity for the right people there. good luck with it.
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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by FatBoy »

I understand what you mean on the seeing the family issue.........talked them into letting me work 20 days on and 8 days off so I can fly home to FL. 20 days of 12-24 hours a day is serious (yes...I worked almost 48hr straight a few times). Paychecks are nice, but no time to spend it. FB
......I understand what the package says sir, but you cannot talk 28 miles with 3 AA batteries.......
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Re: Need new and experienced electronics techs

Post by markado »

Looks interesting indeed. i work for the government here in Southeast Asia for almost 8 years now. 4 years in the field of wide area CCTV network and more than 3 in maintaining trunked and convention radio sites. Nice work but not well paid. No overtime pay and extra allowances even. Is your company accepting applicant from overseas. May i know some more details about it sir. Thanks.
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