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Naisal MT1000 in Convertacom

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:21 am
by n0top
Hello All, With the Mic I got with my Convertacom, My voice is
very Tinny or Naisal. I grabed a Mic from a 800 mhz Maxtrac
and that seemed to help a lot.
The Mic is a press fit or glued together, no screws. Is there a way to
rememdy this.
Thanks and Best 73s
John de N0TOP

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:43 pm
by phrawg
That kind of mic is not repairable, but if you must look inside it,
usually the aplication of about 16 ounces of steel attached to
a handle, (hammer) swung swiftly and aimed accurately will
cause the thing to reveal its innards ! Also a good squeeze
in a vice will crack it but does so without all of the fun and
drama associated with an impact. Phrawg